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3001TCP и UDPredwood-brokerRedwood Broker
3002TCP и UDPremoteware-srvRemoteWare Server
3003TCP и UDPcgmsCGMS
3004TCP и UDPcsoftragentCsoft Agent
3005TCP и UDPgeniuslmGenius License Manager
3006TCP и UDPii-adminInstant Internet Admin
3007TCP и UDPlotusmtapLotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol
3008TCP и UDPmidnight-techMidnight Technologies
3009TCP и UDPpxc-ntfyPXC-NTFY
3010TCPgwTelerate Workstation
3010UDPping-pongTelerate Workstation
3011TCP и UDPtrusted-webTrusted Web
3012TCP и UDPtwsdssTrusted Web Client
3013TCP и UDPgilatskysurferGilat Sky Surfer
3014TCP и UDPbroker_serviceBroker Service
3015TCP и UDPnati-dstpNATI DSTP
3016TCP и UDPnotify_srvrNotify Server
3017TCP и UDPevent_listenerEvent Listener
3018TCP и UDPsrvc_registryService Registry
3019TCP и UDPresource_mgrResource Manager
3020TCP и UDPcifsCIFS
3021TCP и UDPagriserverAGRI Server
3022TCP и UDPcsregagentCSREGAGENT
3023TCP и UDPmagicnotesmagicnotes
3024TCP и UDPnds_ssoNDS_SSO
3025TCP и UDParepa-raftArepa Raft
3026TCP и UDPagri-gatewayAGRI Gateway
3027TCP и UDPLiebDevMgmt_CLiebDevMgmt_C
3028TCP и UDPLiebDevMgmt_DMLiebDevMgmt_DM
3029TCP и UDPLiebDevMgmt_ALiebDevMgmt_A
3030TCP и UDParepa-casArepa Cas
3031TCP и UDPeppcRemote AppleEvents/PPC Toolbox
3032TCP и UDPredwood-chatRedwood Chat
3033TCP и UDPpdbPDB
3034TCP и UDPosmosis-aeeaOsmosis / Helix (R) AEEA Port
3035TCP и UDPfjsv-gssagtFJSV gssagt
3036TCP и UDPhagel-dumpHagel DUMP
3037TCP и UDPhp-san-mgmtHP SAN Mgmt
3038TCP и UDPsantak-upsSantak UPS
3039TCP и UDPcogitateCogitate, Inc.
3040TCP и UDPtomato-springsTomato Springs
3041TCP и UDPdi-tracewaredi-traceware
3042TCP и UDPjourneejournee
3043TCP и UDPbrpBRP
3044TCP и UDPeppEndPoint Protocol
3045TCP и UDPresponsenetResponseNet
3046TCP и UDPdi-asedi-ase
3047TCP и UDPhlserverFast Security HL Server
3048TCP и UDPpctraderSierra Net PC Trader
3049TCP и UDPnswsNSWS
3050TCP и UDPgds_dbgds_db
3051TCP и UDPgalaxy-serverGalaxy Server
3052TCP и UDPapcpcnsAPCPCNS
3053TCP и UDPdsom-serverdsom-server
3054TCP и UDPamt-cnf-protAMT CNF PROT
3055TCP и UDPpolicyserverPolicy Server
3056TCP и UDPcdl-serverCDL Server
3057TCP и UDPgoahead-fldupGoAhead FldUp
3058TCP и UDPvideobeansvideobeans
3059TCP и UDPqsoftqsoft
3060TCP и UDPinterserverinterserver
3061TCP и UDPcautcpdcautcpd
3062TCP и UDPncacn-ip-tcpncacn-ip-tcp
3063TCP и UDPncadg-ip-udpncadg-ip-udp
3064TCP и UDPrprtRemote Port Redirector
3065TCP и UDPslinterbaseslinterbase
3066TCP и UDPnetattachsdmpNETATTACHSDMP
3067TCP и UDPfjhpjpFJHPJP
3068TCP и UDPls3bcastls3 Broadcast
3069TCP и UDPls3ls3
3070TCP и UDPmgxswitchMGXSWITCH
3071TCP и UDPcsd-mgmt-portContinuStor Manager Port
3072TCP и UDPcsd-monitorContinuStor Monitor Port
3073TCP и UDPvcrpVery simple chatroom prot
3074TCP и UDPxboxXbox game port
3075TCP и UDPorbix-locatorOrbix 2000 Locator
3076TCP и UDPorbix-configOrbix 2000 Config
3077TCP и UDPorbix-loc-sslOrbix 2000 Locator SSL
3078TCP и UDPorbix-cfg-sslOrbix 2000 Locator SSL
3079TCP и UDPlv-frontpanelLV Front Panel
3080TCP и UDPstm_pprocstm_pproc
3081TCP и UDPtl1-lvTL1-LV
3082TCP и UDPtl1-rawTL1-RAW
3083TCP и UDPtl1-telnetTL1-TELNET
3084TCP и UDPitm-mccsITM-MCCS
3085TCP и UDPpcihreqPCIHReq
3086TCP и UDPjdl-dbkitchenJDL-DBKitchen
3087TCP и UDPasoki-smaAsoki SMA
3088TCP и UDPxdtpeXtensible Data Transfer Protocol
3089TCP и UDPptk-alinkParaTek Agent Linking
3090TCP и UDPrtssRappore Session Services
3091TCP и UDP1ci-smcs1Ci Server Management
3092TCP и UDPnjfssNetware sync services
3093TCP и UDPrapidmq-centerJiiva RapidMQ Center
3094TCP и UDPrapidmq-regJiiva RapidMQ Registry
3095TCP и UDPpanasasPanasas rendevous port
3096TCP и UDPndl-apsActive Print Server Port
3097SCTPituq2150-3-stcITU Q.2150.3 STC
3098TCP и UDPumm-portUniversal Message Manager
3099TCP и UDPchmdCHIPSY Machine Daemon
3100TCP и UDPopcon-xpsOpCon/xps
3101TCP и UDPhp-pxpibHP PolicyXpert PIB Server
3102TCP и UDPslslavemonSoftlinK Slave Mon Port
3103TCP и UDPautocuesmiAutocue SMI Protocol
3104TCPautocuelogAutocue Logger Protocol
3104UDPautocuetimeAutocue Time Service
3105TCP и UDPcardboxCardbox
3106TCP и UDPcardbox-httpCardbox HTTP
3107TCP и UDPbusinessBusiness protocol
3108TCP и UDPgeolocateGeolocate protocol
3109TCP и UDPpersonnelPersonnel protocol
3110TCP и UDPsim-controlsimulator control port
3111TCP и UDPwsynchWeb Synchronous Services
3112TCP и UDPksysguardKDE System Guard
3113TCP и UDPcs-auth-svrCS-Authenticate Svr Port
3114TCP и UDPccmadCCM AutoDiscover
3115TCP и UDPmctet-masterMCTET Master
3116TCP и UDPmctet-gatewayMCTET Gateway
3117TCP и UDPmctet-jservMCTET Jserv
3118TCP и UDPpkagentPKAgent
3119TCP и UDPd2000kernelD2000 Kernel Port
3120TCP и UDPd2000webserverD2000 Webserver Port
3121TCP и UDPepp-tempExtensible Provisioning Protocol
3122TCP и UDPvtr-emulatorMTI VTR Emulator port
3123TCP и UDPedixEDI Translation Protocol
3124TCP и UDPbeacon-portBeacon Port
3125TCP и UDPa13-anA13-AN Interface
3126TCP и UDPms-dotnetsterMicrosoft .NETster Port
3127TCP и UDPctx-bridgeCTX Bridge Port
3128TCP и UDPndl-aasActive API Server Port
3129TCP и UDPnetport-idNetPort Discovery Port
3130TCP и UDPicpv2ICPv2
3131TCP и UDPnetbookmarkNet Book Mark
3132TCP и UDPms-slipstreamMS-Slipstream
3133TCP и UDPprism-deployPrism Deploy User Port
3134TCP и UDPecpExtensible Code Protocol
3135TCP и UDPpeerbook-portPeerBook Port
3136TCP и UDPgrubdGrub Server Port
3137TCP и UDPrtnt-1rtnt-1 data packets
3138TCP и UDPrtnt-2rtnt-2 data packets
3139TCP и UDPincognitorvIncognito Rendez-Vous
3140TCP и UDPariliamultiArilia Multiplexor
3141TCP и UDPvmodemVMODEM
3142TCP и UDPrdc-wh-eosRDC WH EOS
3143TCP и UDPseaviewSea View
3144TCP и UDPtarantellaTarantella
3145TCP и UDPcsi-lfapCSI-LFAP
3146TCP и UDPbears-02bears-02
3147TCP и UDPrfioRFIO
3148TCP и UDPnm-game-adminNetMike Game Administrator
3149TCP и UDPnm-game-serverNetMike Game Server
3150TCP и UDPnm-asses-adminNetMike Assessor Administrator
3151TCP и UDPnm-assessorNetMike Assessor
3152TCP и UDPfeitianrockeyFeiTian Port
3153TCP и UDPs8-client-portS8Cargo Client Port
3154TCP и UDPccmrmiON RMI Registry
3155TCP и UDPjpegmpegJpegMpeg Port
3156TCP и UDPinduraIndura Collector
3157TCP и UDPe3consultantsCCC Listener Port
3158TCP и UDPstvpSmashTV Protocol
3159TCP и UDPnavegaweb-portNavegaWeb Tarification
3160TCP и UDPtip-app-serverTIP Application Server
3161TCP и UDPdoc1lmDOC1 License Manager
3162TCP и UDPsflmSFLM
3163TCP и UDPres-sapRES-SAP
3164TCP и UDPimprsIMPRS
3165TCP и UDPnewgenpayNewgenpay Engine Service
3166TCP и UDPqreposQuest Repository
3167TCP и UDPpoweroncontactpoweroncontact
3168TCP и UDPpoweronnudpoweronnud
3169TCP и UDPserverview-asSERVERVIEW-AS
3170TCP и UDPserverview-asnSERVERVIEW-ASN
3171TCP и UDPserverview-gfSERVERVIEW-GF
3172TCP и UDPserverview-rmSERVERVIEW-RM
3173TCP и UDPserverview-iccSERVERVIEW-ICC
3174TCP и UDParmi-serverARMI Server
3175TCP и UDPt1-e1-over-ipT1_E1_Over_IP
3176TCP и UDPars-masterARS Master
3177TCP и UDPphonex-portPhonex Protocol
3178TCP и UDPradclientportRadiance UltraEdge Port
3179TCP и UDPh2gf-w-2mH2GF W.2m Handover prot.
3180TCP и UDPmc-brk-srvMillicent Broker Server
3181TCP и UDPbmcpatrolagentBMC Patrol Agent
3182TCP и UDPbmcpatrolrnvuBMC Patrol Rendezvous
3183TCP и UDPcops-tlsCOPS/TLS
3184TCP и UDPapogeex-portApogeeX Port
3185TCP и UDPsmpppdSuSE Meta PPPD
3186TCP и UDPiiw-portIIW Monitor User Port
3187TCP и UDPodi-portOpen Design Listen Port
3188TCP и UDPbrcm-comm-portBroadcom Port
3189TCP и UDPpcle-infexPinnacle Sys InfEx Port
3190TCP и UDPcsvr-proxyConServR Proxy
3191TCP и UDPcsvr-sslproxyConServR SSL Proxy
3192TCP и UDPfiremonrccFireMon Revision Control
3193TCP и UDPcordataportCordaxis Data Port
3194TCP и UDPmagbindRockstorm MAG protocol
3195TCP и UDPncu-1Network Control Unit
3196TCP и UDPncu-2Network Control Unit
3197TCP и UDPembrace-dp-sEmbrace Device Protocol Server
3198TCP и UDPembrace-dp-cEmbrace Device Protocol Client
3199TCP и UDPdmod-workspaceDMOD WorkSpace
3200TCP и UDPtick-portPress-sense Tick Port
3201TCP и UDPcpq-tasksmartCPQ-TaskSmart
3202TCP и UDPintraintraIntraIntra
3203TCP и UDPnetwatcher-monNetwork Watcher Monitor
3204TCP и UDPnetwatcher-dbNetwork Watcher DB Access
3205TCP и UDPisnsiSNS Server Port
3206TCP и UDPironmailIronMail POP Proxy
3207TCP и UDPvx-auth-portVeritas Authentication Port
3208TCP и UDPpfu-prcallbackPFU PR Callback
3209TCP и UDPnetwkpathengineHP OpenView Network Path Engine Server
3210TCP и UDPflamenco-proxyFlamenco Networks Proxy
3211TCP и UDPavsecuremgmtAvocent Secure Management
3212TCP и UDPsurveyinstSurvey Instrument
3213TCP и UDPneon24x7NEON 24X7 Mission Control
3214TCP и UDPjmq-daemon-1JMQ Daemon Port 1
3215TCP и UDPjmq-daemon-2JMQ Daemon Port 2
3216TCP и UDPferrari-foamFerrari electronic FOAM
3217TCP и UDPuniteUnified IP & Telecomm Env
3218TCP и UDPsmartpacketsEMC SmartPackets
3219TCP и UDPwms-messengerWMS Messenger
3220TCP и UDPxnm-sslXML NM over SSL
3221TCP и UDPxnm-clear-textXML NM over TCP
3222TCP и UDPglbpGateway Load Balancing Pr
3223TCP и UDPdigivoteDIGIVOTE (R) Vote-Server
3224TCP и UDPaes-discoveryAES Discovery Port
3225TCP и UDPfcip-portFCIP
3226TCP и UDPisi-irpISI Industry Software IRP
3227TCP и UDPdwnmshttpDiamondWave NMS Server
3228TCP и UDPdwmsgserverDiamondWave MSG Server
3229TCP и UDPglobal-cd-portGlobal CD Port
3230TCP и UDPsftdst-portSoftware Distributor Port
3231TCP и UDPdsnlDelta Solutions Direct
3232TCP и UDPmdtpMDT port
3233TCP и UDPwhiskerWhiskerControl main port
3234TCP и UDPalchemyAlchemy Server
3235TCP и UDPmdap-portMDAP port
3236TCP и UDPapparenet-tsappareNet Test Server
3237TCP и UDPapparenet-tpsappareNet Test Packet Sequencer
3238TCP и UDPapparenet-asappareNet Analysis Server
3239TCP и UDPapparenet-uiappareNet User Interface
3240TCP и UDPtriomotionTrio Motion Control Port
3241TCP и UDPsysorbSysOrb Monitoring Server
3242TCP и UDPsdp-id-portSession Description ID
3243TCP и UDPtimelotTimelot Port
3244TCP и UDPonesafOneSAF
3245TCP и UDPvieo-feVIEO Fabric Executive
3246TCP и UDPdvt-systemDVT SYSTEM PORT
3247TCP и UDPdvt-dataDVT DATA LINK
3248TCP и UDPprocos-lmPROCOS LM
3249TCP и UDPsspState Sync Protocol
3250TCP и UDPhicpHMS hicp port
3251TCP и UDPsysscannerSys Scanner
3252TCP и UDPdheDHE port
3253TCP и UDPpda-dataPDA Data
3254TCP и UDPpda-sysPDA System
3255TCP и UDPsemaphoreSemaphore Connection Port
3256TCP и UDPcpqrpm-agentCompaq RPM Agent Port
3257TCP и UDPcpqrpm-serverCompaq RPM Server Port
3258TCP и UDPivecon-portIvecon Server Port
3259TCP и UDPepncdp2Epson Network Common Devi
3260TCP и UDPiscsi-targetiSCSI port
3261TCP и UDPwinshadowwinShadow
3262TCP и UDPnecpNECP
3263TCP и UDPecolor-imagerE-Color Enterprise Imager
3264TCP и UDPccmailcc:mail/lotus
3265TCP и UDPaltav-tunnelAltav Tunnel
3266TCP и UDPns-cfg-serverNS CFG Server
3267TCP и UDPibm-dial-outIBM Dial Out
3268TCP и UDPmsft-gcMicrosoft Global Catalog
3269TCP и UDPmsft-gc-sslMicrosoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
3270TCP и UDPverismartVerismart
3271TCP и UDPcsoft-prevCSoft Prev Port
3272TCP и UDPuser-managerFujitsu User Manager
3273TCP и UDPsxmpSimple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
3274TCP и UDPordinox-serverOrdinox Server
3275TCP и UDPsamdSAMD
3276TCP и UDPmaxim-asicsMaxim ASICs
3277TCP и UDPawg-proxyAWG Proxy
3278TCP и UDPlkcmserverLKCM Server
3279TCP и UDPadmindadmind
3280TCP и UDPvs-serverVS Server
3281TCP и UDPsysoptSYSOPT
3282TCP и UDPdatusorbDatusorb
3283TCP и UDPnet-assistantNet Assistant
3284TCP и UDP4talk4Talk
3285TCP и UDPplatoPlato
3286TCP и UDPe-netE-Net
3287TCP и UDPdirectvdataDIRECTVDATA
3288TCP и UDPcopsCOPS
3289TCP и UDPenpcENPC
3291TCP и UDPsah-lmS A Holditch & Associates - LM
3292TCP и UDPcart-o-ramaCart O Rama
3293TCP и UDPfg-fpsfg-fps
3294TCP и UDPfg-gipfg-gip
3295TCP и UDPdyniplookupDynamic IP Lookup
3296TCP и UDPrib-slmRib License Manager
3297TCP и UDPcytel-lmCytel License Manager
3298TCP и UDPtransviewTransview
3299TCP и UDPpdrncspdrncs
3300TCP и UDPbmcpatrolagentBMC Patrol Agent
3301TCP и UDPbmcpatrolrnvuBMC Patrol Rendezvous
3302TCP и UDPmcs-fastmailMCS Fastmail
3303TCP и UDPopsession-clntOP Session Client
3304TCP и UDPopsession-srvrOP Session Server
3305TCP и UDPodette-ftpODETTE-FTP
3306TCP и UDPmysqlMySQL
3307TCP и UDPopsession-prxyOP Session Proxy
3308TCP и UDPtns-serverTNS Server
3309TCP и UDPtns-advTNS ADV
3310TCP и UDPdyna-accessDyna Access
3311TCP и UDPmcns-tel-retMCNS Tel Ret
3312TCP и UDPappman-serverApplication Management Server
3313TCP и UDPuorbUnify Object Broker
3314TCP и UDPuohostUnify Object Host
3315TCP и UDPcdidCDID
3316TCP и UDPaicc-cmiAICC/CMI
3317TCP и UDPvsaiportVSAI PORT
3318TCP и UDPssripSwith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
3319TCP и UDPsdt-lmdSDT License Manager
3320TCP и UDPofficelink2000Office Link 2000
3321TCP и UDPvnsstrVNSSTR
3322-3325active-netActive Networks
3326TCP и UDPsftuSFTU
3327TCP и UDPbbarsBBARS
3328TCP и UDPegptlmEaglepoint License Manager
3329TCP и UDPhp-device-discHP Device Disc
3330TCP и UDPmcs-calypsoicfMCS Calypso ICF
3331TCP и UDPmcs-messagingMCS Messaging
3332TCP и UDPmcs-mailsvrMCS Mail Server
3333TCP и UDPdec-notesDEC Notes
3334TCP и UDPdirectv-webDirect TV Webcasting
3335TCP и UDPdirectv-softDirect TV Software Updates
3336TCP и UDPdirectv-tickDirect TV Tickers
3337TCP и UDPdirectv-catlgDirect TV Data Catalog
3338TCP и UDPanet-bOMF data b
3339TCP и UDPanet-lOMF data l
3340TCP и UDPanet-mOMF data m
3341TCP и UDPanet-hOMF data h
3342TCP и UDPwebtieWebTIE
3343TCP и UDPms-cluster-netMS Cluster Net
3344TCP и UDPbnt-managerBNT Manager
3345TCP и UDPinfluenceInfluence
3346TCP и UDPtrnsprntproxyTrnsprnt Proxy
3347TCP и UDPphoenix-rpcPhoenix RPC
3348TCP и UDPpangolin-laserPangolin Laser
3349TCP и UDPchevinservicesChevin Services
3350TCP и UDPfindviatvFINDVIATV
3351TCP и UDPbtrieveBTRIEVE
3352TCP и UDPssqlSSQL
3353TCP и UDPfatpipeFATPIPE
3354TCP и UDPsuitjdSUITJD
3355TCP и UDPordinox-dbaseOrdinox Dbase
3356TCP и UDPupnotifypsUPNOTIFYPS
3357TCP и UDPadtech-testAdtech Test IP
3358TCP и UDPmpsysrmsvrMp Sys Rmsvr
3359TCP и UDPwg-netforceWG NetForce
3360TCP и UDPkv-serverKV Server
3361TCP и UDPkv-agentKV Agent
3362TCP и UDPdj-ilmDJ ILM
3363TCP и UDPnati-vi-serverNATI Vi Server
3364TCP и UDPcreativeserverCreative Server
3365TCP и UDPcontentserverContent Server
3366TCP и UDPcreativepartnrCreative Partner
3367-3371satvid-datalnkSatellite Video Data Link
3372TCP и UDPtip2TIP 2
3373TCP и UDPlavenir-lmLavenir License Manager
3374TCP и UDPcluster-discCluster Disc
3375TCP и UDPvsnm-agentVSNM Agent
3376TCP и UDPcdbrokerCD Broker
3377TCP и UDPcogsys-lmCogsys Network License Manager
3378TCP и UDPwsicopyWSICOPY
3379TCP и UDPsocorfsSOCORFS
3380TCP и UDPsns-channelsSNS Channels
3381TCP и UDPgeneousGeneous
3382TCP и UDPfujitsu-neatFujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function
3383TCP и UDPesp-lmEnterprise Software Products License Manager
3384TCP и UDPhp-clicCluster Management Services
3384UDPhp-clicHardware Management
3385TCP и UDPqnxnetmanqnxnetman
3386TCPgprs-dataGPRS Data
3386UDPgprs-sigGPRS SIG
3387TCP и UDPbackroomnetBack Room Net
3388TCP и UDPcbserverCB Server
3389TCP и UDPms-wbt-serverMS WBT Server
3390TCP и UDPdscDistributed Service Coordinator
3391TCP и UDPsavantSAVANT
3392TCP и UDPefi-lmEFI License Management
3393TCP и UDPd2k-tapestry1D2K Tapestry Client to Server
3394TCP и UDPd2k-tapestry2D2K Tapestry Server to Server
3395TCP и UDPdyna-lmDyna License Manager (Elam)
3396TCP и UDPprinter_agentPrinter Agent
3397TCP и UDPcloanto-lmCloanto License Manager
3398TCP и UDPmercantileMercantile
3399TCP и UDPcsmsCSMS
3400TCP и UDPcsms2CSMS2
3401TCP и UDPfilecastfilecast
3402TCP и UDPfxaengine-netFXa Engine Network Port
3403TCP и UDPcopysnapCopySnap Server Port
3405TCP и UDPnokia-ann-ch1Nokia Announcement ch 1
3406TCP и UDPnokia-ann-ch2Nokia Announcement ch 2
3407TCP и UDPldap-adminLDAP admin server port
3408TCP и UDPissapiPOWERpack API Port
3409TCP и UDPnetworklensNetworkLens Event Port
3410TCP и UDPnetworklenssNetworkLens SSL Event
3411TCP и UDPbiolink-authBioLink Authenteon
3412TCP и UDPxmlblasterxmlBlaster
3413TCP и UDPsvnetSpecView Networking
3414TCP и UDPwip-portBroadCloud WIP Port
3415TCP и UDPbcinameserviceBCI Name Service
3416TCP и UDPcommandportAirMobile IS Command Port
3417TCP и UDPcsvrConServR file translation
3418TCP и UDPrnmapRemote nmap
3419TCP и UDPsoftauditIsogon SoftAudit
3420TCP и UDPifcp-portiFCP User Port
3421TCP и UDPbmapBull Apprise portmapper
3422TCP и UDPrusb-sys-portRemote USB System Port
3423TCP и UDPxtrmxTrade Reliable Messaging
3424TCP и UDPxtrmsxTrade over TLS/SSL
3425TCP и UDPagps-portAGPS Access Port
3426TCP и UDParkivioArkivio Storage Protocol
3427TCP и UDPwebsphere-snmpWebSphere SNMP
3428TCP и UDPtwcss2Wire CSS
3429TCP и UDPgcspGCSP user port
3430TCP и UDPssdispatchScott Studios Dispatch
3431TCP и UDPndl-alsActive License Server Port
3432TCP и UDPosdcpSecure Device Protocol
3433TCP и UDPalta-smpAltaworks Service Management Platform
3434TCP и UDPopencmOpenCM Server
3435TCP и UDPpacomPacom Security User Port
3436TCP и UDPgc-configGuardControl Exchange Protocol
3437TCP и UDPautocuedsAutocue Directory Service
3438TCP и UDPspiral-adminSpiralcraft Admin
3439TCP и UDPhri-portHRI Interface Port
3440TCP и UDPans-consoleNet Steward Mgmt Console
3441TCP и UDPconnect-clientOC Connect Client
3442TCP и UDPconnect-serverOC Connect Server
3443TCP и UDPov-nnm-websrvOpenView Network Node Manager WEB Server
3444TCP и UDPdenali-serverDenali Server
3445TCP и UDPmonpMedia Object Network
3446TCP и UDP3comfaxrpc3Com FAX RPC port
3447TCP и UDPcddnCompuDuo DirectNet
3448TCP и UDPdnc-portDiscovery and Net Config
3449TCP и UDPhotu-chatHotU Chat
3450TCP и UDPcastorproxyCAStorProxy
3451TCP и UDPasamASAM Services
3452TCP и UDPsabp-signalSABP-Signalling Protocol
3453TCP и UDPpscupdPSC Update Port
3454TCPmiraApple Remote Access Protocol
3455TCP и UDPprsvpRSVP Port
3456TCP и UDPvatVAT default data
3457TCP и UDPvat-controlVAT default control
3458TCP и UDPd3winosfiD3WinOSFI
3459TCP и UDPintegralTIP Integral
3460TCP и UDPedm-managerEDM Manger
3461TCP и UDPedm-stagerEDM Stager
3462TCP и UDPedm-std-notifyEDM STD Notify
3463TCP и UDPedm-adm-notifyEDM ADM Notify
3464TCP и UDPedm-mgr-syncEDM MGR Sync
3465TCP и UDPedm-mgr-cntrlEDM MGR Cntrl
3466TCP и UDPworkflowWORKFLOW
3467TCP и UDPrcstRCST
3468TCP и UDPttcmremotectrlTTCM Remote Controll
3469TCP и UDPpluribusPluribus
3470TCP и UDPjt400jt400
3471TCP и UDPjt400-ssljt400-ssl
3472TCP и UDPjaugsremotec-1JAUGS N-G Remotec 1
3473TCP и UDPjaugsremotec-2JAUGS N-G Remotec 2
3474TCP и UDPttntspautoTSP Automation
3475TCP и UDPgenisar-portGenisar Comm Port
3476TCP и UDPnppmpNVIDIA Mgmt Protocol
3477TCP и UDPecommeComm link port
3478TCP и UDPnat-stun-portSimple Traversal of UDP Through NAT (STUN) port
3479TCP и UDPtwrpc2Wire RPC
3480TCP и UDPplethoraSecure Virtual Workspace
3481TCP и UDPcleanerlivercCleanerLive remote ctrl
3482TCP и UDPvultureVulture Monitoring System
3483TCP и UDPslim-devicesSlim Devices Protocol
3484TCP и UDPgbs-stpGBS SnapTalk Protocol
3485TCP и UDPcelatalkCelaTalk
3486TCP и UDPifsf-hb-portIFSF Heartbeat Port
3487TCPltctcpLISA TCP Transfer Channel
3487UDPltcudpLISA UDP Transfer Channel
3488TCP и UDPfs-rh-srvFS Remote Host Server
3489TCP и UDPdtp-diaDTP/DIA
3490TCP и UDPcolubrisColubris Management Port
3491TCP и UDPswr-portSWR Port
3492TCP и UDPtvdumtray-portTVDUM Tray Port
3493TCP и UDPnutNetwork UPS Tools
3494TCP и UDPibm3494IBM 3494
3495TCP и UDPseclayer-tcpsecuritylayer over tcp
3496TCP и UDPseclayer-tlssecuritylayer over tls
3497TCP и UDPipether232portipEther232Port
3498TCP и UDPdashpas-portDASHPAS user port
3499TCP и UDPsccip-mediaSccIP Media
3500TCP и UDPrtmp-portRTMP Port
3501TCP и UDPisoft-p2piSoft-P2P
3502TCP и UDPavinstalldiscAvocent Install Discovery
3503TCP и UDPlsp-pingMPLS LSP-echo Port
3504TCP и UDPironstormIronStorm game server
3505TCP и UDPccmcommCCM communications port
3506TCP и UDPapc-aem-statusAPC Device Status Port
3507TCP и UDPnesh-brokerNesh Broker Port
3508TCP и UDPinteractionwebInteraction Web
3509TCP и UDPvt-sslVirtual Token SSL Port
3510TCP и UDPxss-portXSS Port
3511TCP и UDPwebmail-2WebMail/2
3512TCP и UDPaztecAztec Distribution Port
3513TCP и UDParcpdAdaptec Remote Protocol
3514TCP и UDPmust-p2pMUST Peer to Peer
3515TCP и UDPmust-backplaneMUST Backplane
3516TCP и UDPsmartcard-portSmartcard Port
3517TCP и UDP802-11-iappIEEE 802.11 WLANs WG IAPP
3518TCP и UDPartifact-msgArtifact Message Server
3519TCPnvmsgdNetvion Messenger Port
3519UDPgalileoNetvion Galileo Port
3520TCP и UDPgalileologNetvion Galileo Log Port
3521TCP и UDPmc3ssTelequip Labs MC3SS
3522TCP и UDPnssocketportDO over NSSocketPort
3523TCP и UDPodeumservlinkOdeum Serverlink
3524TCP и UDPecmportECM Server port
3525TCP и UDPeisportEIS Server port
3526TCP и UDPstarquiz-portstarQuiz Port
3527TCP и UDPbeserver-msg-qVERITAS Backup Exec Server
3528TCP и UDPjboss-iiopJBoss IIOP
3529TCP и UDPjboss-iiop-sslJBoss IIOP/SSL
3530TCP и UDPgfGrid Friendly
3531TCP и UDPjoltidJoltid
3532TCP и UDPraven-rmpRaven Remote Management Control
3533TCP и UDPraven-rdpRaven Remote Management Data
3534TCP и UDPurld-portURL Daemon Port
3535TCP и UDPms-laMS-LA
3536TCP и UDPsnacSNAC
3537TCP и UDPni-visa-remoteRemote NI-VISA port
3538TCP и UDPibm-diradmIBM Directory Server
3539TCP и UDPibm-diradm-sslIBM Directory Server SSL
3540TCP и UDPpnrp-portPNRP User Port
3541TCP и UDPvoispeed-portVoiSpeed Port
3542TCP и UDPhacl-monitorHA cluster monitor
3543TCP и UDPqftest-lookupqftest Lookup Port
3544TCP и UDPteredoTeredo Port
3545TCP и UDPcamacCAMAC equipment
3547TCP и UDPsymantec-simSymantec SIM
3548TCP и UDPinterworldInterworld
3549TCP и UDPtellumat-nmsTellumat MDR NMS
3550TCP и UDPssmppSecure SMPP
3551TCP и UDPapcupsdApcupsd Information Port
3552TCP и UDPtaserverTeamAgenda Server Port
3553TCP и UDPrbr-discoveryRed Box Recorder ADP
3554TCP и UDPquestnotifyQuest Notification Server
3555TCP и UDPrazorVipuls Razor
3556TCP и UDPsky-transportSky Transport Protocol
3557TCP и UDPpersonalos-001PersonalOS Comm Port
3558TCP и UDPmcp-portMCP user port
3559TCP и UDPcctv-portCCTV control port
3560TCP и UDPiniserve-portINIServe port
3561TCP и UDPbmc-onekeyBMC-OneKey
3562TCP и UDPsdbproxySDBProxy
3563TCP и UDPwatcomdebugWatcom Debug
3564TCP и UDPesimportElectromed SIM port
3565TCP и UDPm2paM2PA
3566TCP и UDPqsintelliagentQuest Intelliagent
3567TCP и UDPemware-oftemWare OFT Services
3568TCP и UDPgamesmith-portGameSmith Port
3569TCP и UDPmbg-ctrlMeinberg Control Service
3570TCP и UDPmccwebsvr-portMCC Web Server Port
3571TCP и UDPmegardsvr-portMegaRAID Server Port
3572TCP и UDPmegaregsvrportRegistration Server Port
3573TCP и UDPtag-ups-1Advantage Group UPS Suite
3574TCPdmaf-serverDMAF Server
3574UDPdmaf-casterDMAF Caster
3575TCP и UDPccm-portCoalsere CCM Port
3576TCP и UDPcmc-portCoalsere CMC Port
3577TCP и UDPconfig-portConfiguration Port
3578TCP и UDPdata-portData Port
3579TCP и UDPttat3lbTarantella Load Balancing
3580TCP и UDPnati-svrlocNATI-ServiceLocator
3581TCP и UDPkfxaclicensingAscent Capture Licensing
3582TCP и UDPpressPEG PRESS Server
3583TCP и UDPcanex-watchCANEX Watch System
3584TCP и UDPu-dbapU-DBase Access Protocol
3585TCP и UDPemprise-llsEmprise License Server
3586TCP и UDPemprise-lscLicense Server Console
3587TCP и UDPp2pgroupPeer to Peer Grouping
3588TCP и UDPsentinelSentinel Server
3589TCP и UDPisomairisomair
3590TCP и UDPwv-csp-smsWV CSP SMS Binding
3591TCP и UDPgtrack-serverLOCANIS G-TRACK Server
3592TCP и UDPgtrack-neLOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port
3593TCP и UDPbpmdBP Model Debugger
3594TCP и UDPmediaspaceMediaSpace
3595TCP и UDPshareappShareApp
3596TCP и UDPiw-mmogameIllusion Wireless MMOG
3597TCP и UDPa14A14 (AN-to-SC/MM)
3598TCP и UDPa15A15 (AN-to-AN)
3599TCP и UDPquasar-serverQuasar Accounting Server
3600TCP и UDPtrap-daemontext relay-answer
3601TCP и UDPvisinet-guiVisinet Gui
3602TCP и UDPinfiniswitchclInfiniSwitch Mgr Client
3603TCP и UDPint-rcv-cntrlIntegrated Rcvr Control
3604TCP и UDPbmc-jmx-portBMC JMX Port
3605TCP и UDPcomcam-ioComCam IO Port
3606TCP и UDPsplitlockSplitlock Server
3607TCP и UDPprecise-i3Precise I3
3608TCP и UDPtrendchip-dcpTrendchip control protocol
3609TCP и UDPcpdi-pidas-cmCPDI PIDAS Connection Mon
3610TCP и UDPechonetECHONET
3611TCP и UDPsix-degreesSix Degrees Port
3612TCP и UDPhp-dataprotectHP Data Protector
3617TCP и UDPsharp-serverATI SHARP Logic Engine
3672TCP и UDPlispworks-orbLispWorks ORB
3709TCP и UDPca-idmsCA-IDMS Server
3737TCP и UDPsphidia-portSphidia Game Port
3802TCP и UDPvhdVHD
3845TCP и UDPv-one-sppV-ONE Single Port Proxy
3862TCP и UDPgiga-pocketGIGA-POCKET
3875TCP и UDPpnbscadaPNBSCADA
3885TCP и UDPtopflow-sslTopFlow SSL
3900TCP и UDPudt_osUnidata UDT OS
3939TCP и UDPaampAnti-virus Application Management Port
3984TCP и UDPmapper-nodemgrMAPPER network node manager
3985TCP и UDPmapper-mapethdMAPPER TCP/IP server
3986TCP и UDPmapper-ws_ethdMAPPER workstation server
3987TCP и UDPcenterlineCenterline
4000TCP и UDPterabaseTerabase
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